Overview of mandatory topics to include





Code Article 14.3

Publication of ADRVs/decisions by the IF or under the jurisdiction of the IF

  In progres


Code Article 14.4

Statistical report of doping control activities, including:

  • Testing (test planning and sample collection)
  • Whereabouts
  • TUEs
  • Results management 
  • Investigations

  In progres


ISTUE 5.4 & 6.2

Therapeutic Use Exemptions (TUE) Process, including TUE Application Form 




  • Who needs to apply for a TUE
  • Details on automatic recognition of TUEs approved by other ADOs and which decisions by other ADOs that would need to receive recognition.



Code Article 18.2; 

ISE Article 5.2

Education program must include the following topics, which shall at a minimum be available on a website: 


Principles and values associated with clean sport




Athletes’, athlete support personnel’s, and other groups’ rights and responsibilities under the Code




The principle of strict liability




Consequences of doping, for example, physical and mental health, social and economic effects, and sanctions




Types of Anti-Doping Rule Violations (ADRVs)




Substances and methods on the Prohibited List




Risks of supplement use




Use of medications and Therapeutic Use Exemptions (TUEs)




Testing procedures, including urine, blood and the Athlete Biological Passport (ABP)




Requirements for Registered Testing Pool (RTP)/Testing Pool (TP) athletes, including whereabouts and the use of ADAMS




Coming forward to share concerns about doping




 Overview of recommended topics that could be included




Your organization’s Anti-Doping Rules



Link to WADA’s website and, where appropriate, specific documents (Code, International Standards, Guidelines, List of prohibited substances)



Important definitions that might be ADO-specific (these would be included in your organization’s Anti-Doping Rules, but may be worth highlighting):

  • International-level athlete
  • Event period
  • In-competition period
  • Out-of-competition period
  • Testing pool(s)



List or calendar of events 



Link to WADA microsites or similar sites that the IF uses (for example hosted by the ITA or other service provider):

  • ADEL
  • Speak Up



Publication of full decisions (depending on ADO publication policy)



IF anti-doping contact email or contact form for questions relating to all aspects of anti-doping (for ADAMS, TUEs, testing, results management, etc.)



Any other IF-specific anti-doping information that would be of use to key website users